Twitter Pervasiveness

I was at Bizcamp in Dublin last Saturday and was interested in the fact that almost anyone I talked with mentioned Twitter in some shape or form. My co-passengers on the journey to and from the event Tweeted our travel progress and the one talk I went to that was specifically related to Twitter was full and was given by a girl (Claire Boyles) obviously very enthusiastic about it!  The day served as confirmation for me if I needed any that Twitter is now the biggest thing since bread slicing.

I was only in the door and filling out my name tag when I noticed others putting their Twitter username on their badges so I done it myself and shortly afterwards I got recognised by someone who is following me! I spent most of the day looking at people’s name tags to see if I knew them from Twitter and anyone I did know and managed to get to talk to, the ice was broken simply by having Twitter in common.

I also got recognised a few more times which is always a nice ego trip and of course once conversation starts it could lead anywhere so the value of Twitter is obvious. Other people without Twitter name tags kinda got ignored (sorry!) but this only serves to enforce the fact that if you’re in business you need to be on Twitter and part of the “stream”.
